24/7 客戶支持
(+974) 31370907 或點擊這裡
(+974) 31370907 或點擊這裡
(+974) 31370907
請注意以下消息 -
1. 請按照我們的指示開倉和平倉🧐
3. 請始終根據您的餘額設置完美的手數(低於 $200 ➡ 01 或 .02,無黃金交易 & 為 $500+ ➡ .04 或 .05 / $2k + 賬戶 ➡點擊此處)!如果您設置大批量,這可能是失敗的主要原因!
4. 選擇最好的經紀人和健康的資本。資金不足是不進行多筆交易的損失原因,最好的經紀人對交易有幫助(證明 ➡點擊此處)
虧損是這項業務中非常非常普遍的問題,盈虧是平均計算! (我們試圖實現 700 到 1K 點/月,這是非常合乎邏輯的實現!利潤應該按月或年計算!)。
1. Withdrawals are not permitted for three months.
2. Profit sharing will occur on a monthly basis at a convenient time.
3. Please keep your investor ID and password confidential.
4. You may not trade independently.
5. The market is volatile and unpredictable. If a signal goes wrong, please do not be concerned. Our head analyst will take steps to recover the loss.
6. Please do not pressure our team to grow your account quickly or change lot sizes.
7. We use stop-losses on all trades, however investors will not be able to see the SL or TP points in MT4.
8. Our signal and account management services are handled by separate departments. Therefore, there may be some discrepancies between the two.
9. Please never close running trades on your own. If you do, the trade will be automatically reopened until we close it from our server.
By following these rules, we can ensure that you will be successful with fxTsignals.com.
We view this as a business partnership, and any business takes time to build. We always strive to communicate in a logical and professional manner.