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What is Forex Trading?

Updated: Sep 20, 2023

Forex Market
Forex Market

Hey there! Have you ever heard of the Foreign Exchange market? It's also known as Forex or FX. It's a super big financial market where people buy, sell, and trade different currencies. It's not like the stock market though, because there isn't one central place where all the trading happens. Instead, people trade with each other through banks, brokers, and other financial institutions all over the world.

The cool thing about Forex is that it's open 24 hours a day, 5 days a week! That means it's always going on somewhere in the world. The major financial centers for Forex are in different time zones, like London, New York, Tokyo, Zurich, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Singapore, Paris, and Sydney. Depending on the time, there are three trading sessions: Asian, European, and American.

In Forex, currencies are quoted in pairs. This means they're compared to each other. The price tells you how much of the second currency you need to buy or sell one unit of the first currency. It's like a special language for trading currencies!

So, that's the Foreign Exchange market in a nutshell. It's a big, global market where people trade currencies with each other. Pretty cool, right?

Base and quote currency
Base and quote currency

Exchange rates are like a big game of supply and demand. When lots of people want a certain currency, its value goes up. But if not many people want it, the value goes down. The prices also change because of things happening in the world, like economic stuff, social stuff, and political stuff. The political situation and how well a country is doing economically can really affect the value of their money. If a country has low inflation (which means prices aren't going up too fast), their money will be worth more compared to other countries. The interest rates set by the central bank also play a role. If the interest rates are low, the value of the money can go down. There are also big players in the market, like the European Central Bank, the Bank of England, and the Federal Reserve of the US. They have a lot of power and can try to control the value of money. They can even use their reserves of foreign money to help keep things stable. The second biggest group in the market is made up of big banks and bank associations. They trade with each other and decide the prices that regular people see when they want to exchange money. Since the market is not controlled by just one place, different banks might have slightly different prices for the same currency. If you want the best prices, it's important to choose a good broker.

United states dollar symbol
United states dollar symbol

Hey there! Did you know that there are different groups of people who participate in forex trading? One of these groups is called brokerage firms. These firms act as middlemen between individual traders (like you!) and the market. They use something called electronic communication networks (ECNs) to match up the orders from traders with big financial institutions. This helps to make sure that there are no conflicts of interest when an order is executed.

Now, there are two types of brokerages. One is called a market maker, and the other is an ECN brokerage. The ECN brokerage is the one we're focusing on here. Unlike a market maker, an ECN brokerage gets paid through a commission. This commission can be charged for each order you make or included in the spread (which is the difference between the buying and selling price). If you want to learn more about how ECN execution works, you can check out this link.

The cool thing about an ECN brokerage is that it allows regular people like you and me to access the forex market. Before, it was mostly just big financial institutions that could do this. But now, with the help of an ECN brokerage, we can also try to make some profit from the changes in currency prices. Even though these price changes may seem small, like less than 1%, we can use something called leverage to make them more valuable.

When we want to trade, we interact with our broker through a trading platform. This is like a special software that lets us buy and sell currencies. You can have this software on your computer, your phone, or even access it through a web browser. So, it's super convenient and easy to use!

Hope that helps you understand a bit more about forex trading and how it all works. Have fun exploring the world of trading!


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