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Updated: May 5, 2021

Qatar is a gulf country in the Middle East that has a relatively wealthy population. Therefore, there is a teeming population ready to invest some of their money. Forex trading is however, not regulated in Qatar. Two issues confront forex traders in Qatar:

  • Whether or not forex conforms to Sharia principles of investment.

  • Absence of local regulated brokerage firms.

However, these issues have not deterred Qatari forex traders, many of whom have decided to take the plunge by trading with offshore forex brokers based in Asia or with locally-based Introducing Broker agents of foreign brokerages.

The local currency, the Qatari Riyal, is maintained at a fixed peg by the Qatari Central bank. Qatari forex traders usually fund their accounts using the Riyal, exchanging it for US Dollars directly with the local introducing brokerages who represent foreign firms, or buying foreign currency for trading purposes from designated exchange banks. At the moment, the economic sanctions imposed by countries led by Saudi Arabia have made foreign currency transfers difficult and created some difficulty in funding and withdrawing offshore forex trading accounts.

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